Mattia Deberti
Lawyer, partner
Mattia Deberti is a lawyer registered with the Geneva Bar Association. He began his career as a tax attorney at Audiconsult SA. After completing his legal internship with the NOMEA law firm (Notter, Mégevand & Associés) in 2010, he worked as an associate from 2012 to 2016, and became a partner in 2017.
His primary areas of practice include civil litigation, business contracts, family law (divorce, protective measures for marital unions), commercial law, tenancy law, and immigration law (residence permits).
He handles numerous real estate cases with a specialization in rural land law (exemptions of land from the Land Development and Farming Act, acquisition permits in agricultural areas, etc.), as well as public law regulations related to land development, especially in connection litigation procedures in construction law.
Mattia Deberti is also specialized in medical law and is responsible for representing the interests of a major Swiss healthcare group. In this capacity, he serves on numerous boards of directors.
He also provides advice to public entities, companies, and individuals in his areas of expertise.
Personal information
Bar admission : Geneva, 2010
Born : January 29, 1985 in Mendrisio (CH)
French, English, Italian, Spanish
Bar exam, Geneva, 2012
Master in Law, University of Geneva, 2010
Bachelor in Law, University of Geneva, 2008
Article “Lump-sum taxation and resident permit in Switzerland”, in Lawyer Issue Magazine
Swiss Bar Association (SBA)
Geneva Bar Association (ODA)
Other activities
President of the Football Club of the Geneva Bar Association