Anne Herren
Lawyer, partner
Anne HERREN is an attorney at law admitted to the Bar of Bern. She studied law at the University of Fribourg and of Robert Schuman in Strasbourg (France). After she worked for a financial establishment in order to prevent money laundering, she accomplished her traineeship in a law firm in Bern and worked then as a trainee clerk for the regional Court of Bienne. In 2012, she passed the bar exam. She went on to work as a lawyer for a legal protection insurance before joining NOMEA Notter Mégevand & Partners Ltd as an associate as of April 2015.
Her practise includes commercial law, contract law, tenant law, employment law, company law, administrative and public law, as well as civil and administrative procedure.
Personal information
Bar admission : Bern, 2012
Born : April 16, 1981 in Kathmandu, Nepal
French, German, English
Bar exam, Bern, 2012
Master in Law, University of Freiburg, 2008
Swiss Bar Association (FSA)
Bern Bar Association (AAB)