Marion Lavanchy Develey
Lawyer, associate
Marion Lavanchy Develey is an attorney at law admitted to the Bar of Geneva. After practising as a trainee lawyer in the law firm Merkt & Partners, she joined NOMEA in November 2012 where she finished her traineeship before pursuing her activity as an associate as of November 2013.
Her practise includes litigation in family law, tenant law, employment law and construction law.
Personal information
Bar admission : Geneva, 2013
Born : October 2, 1986 in Morges (CH)
French, English
Bar exam, Geneva, 2013
Certificate of advanced studies in legal professions, University of Geneva, 2011
Master in Law, University of Geneva, 2011
Certificate in Transnational Law, University of Geneva, 2010
Bachelor in Law, University of Geneva, 2009
Swiss Bar Association (SBA)
Geneva Bar Association (ODA)