Baptiste Favez
Lawyer, Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law, partner
Baptiste Favez is an attorney at law admitted to the Bar of Geneva. After joining the firm as a trainee lawyer in 2016, he became an associate of NOMEA in 2018.
He primarily practices in the areas of construction and real estate law, administrative law and contracts, as well as criminal law.
Personal information
Bar admission : Geneva, 2016
Born : November 20, 1990 in Geneva (CH)
French, English, German
Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law, 2024
Bar exam, Geneva, 2018
Certificate of advanced studies in legal professions, University of Geneva, 2016
Master in Law, University of Freiburg, 2016
Bachelor in Law (bilingual), University of Freiburg, 2014
Swiss Bar Association (SBA)
Geneva Bar Association (ODA)
Other activities
Member of the Notary Examination Commission
Member of the Supervisory Commission of Judicial Officers
Committee member of the Fribourg Faculty of law alumni’s association (Alumni IUS Frilex)
President and co-founder of the Vélo-club Barreau
Committee member and co-founder of swissprivacy.law
Former President of the Fribourg Faculty of law student association (Fachschaft Jus)