Aurore Jeanneret
Lawyer, associate
Aurore Jeanneret is an attorney at law admitted to the Bar of Geneva. After completing her legal traineeship with NOMEA Attorneys at Law from 2019 to 2020, she was awarded first of the February 2021 bar exam. She joined the firm as an associate in May 2021.
She mainly practices in the fields of civil and criminal litigation, labor and social security law, foreigners’ law as well as debt collection and bankruptcy law.
Personal information
Bar admission : Geneva, 2019
Born : February 29, 1992 in Lausanne (CH)
French, English
Bar exam (first rank), Geneva, 2021
Certificate of Specialisation in Law, 2018
Master in Law, University of Geneva and Zurich, 2019
Bachelor in Law, University of Geneva, 2017
Swiss Bar Association (SBA)
Geneva Bar Association (ODA)